ACEX Group Sent over 800 Books for Private Library
Pushkin, Solzhenitsyn, Fonvizin, Brodsky, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Bunin, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, as well as many other world-famous authors were in the list of books which had to be sent from Gribovo (Moscow region) to Hamburg by road. Dimensions and weights in the declaration (80 boxes weighting about a ton) did not convey anything about real value of a new cargo.
“Cultural cargo demanded intelligent approach to the matter, - says Sergey Gotsak, the expert of multimodal department. – It was an unusual delivery for us as the client was an individual person. For comparison, there can appear just several non-standard situation during standard delivery. In this case there were at least 20 of them. I learned a lot working at the project.”
Among others the client’s broker made a mistake in the declaration for the goods, he filled in the document incorrectly and missed one of over 800 books. The specialists of the office in Moscow do not face such situations in their current work that is why Sergey Gotsak had to enquire about this matter. The solution was found quickly, as it turned out that the customs declaration can be changed before border crossing. The broker introduced changes and the driver mentioned the number of the corrected declaration at customs under which the books crossed the border.
Thus, ACEX Group has the experience in organization of multimodal, oversized and sea transportations, as well as the company obtained an experience in work with an individual person.
It is difficult to say what encouraged the experts of multimodal department to work with the individual person – love for books or something else. However, the precious experience was obtained!
ACEX Alliance press center.