ACEX Group General Presentation.

The video clip presenting all opportunities and services provided by ACEX transportation by various types of transport, terminal and customs services, information about the company offices located in Russia, Europe, the Baltic States and the CIS.

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ACEX Group Services.

All types of the company services, the basic transportation routes are described in a structured and detailed manner. The international agency network and ACEX partners, company own offices opportunities are presented. The information of the company clients and successful projects is available in the document.

Download presentation of ACEX services in PowerPoint format: PPT.

ACEX-WFA Presentation

The presentation which has been specially prepared for the international transport alliance conference World Freight Alliance. ACEX Group submits the review of transport services market and foreign-economic activity features of Russia, CIS and Baltic countries.

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Port of Muuga (Tallinn) in Estonia is the largest Baltic seaport in which ACEX group has its branch. The description of cargo types, the advantages distinguishing Muuga among other European ports, information on services sizes and technical characteristics of warehouse in the port of Tallinn can be found in the presentation.

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Air Freight Department Presentation

Air freight department that exists in ACEX group since 2001 presents its possibilities in the field of freight forwarding services.

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Project Department Presentation

Project and oversized cargo transportation are one of the most difficult spheres of transport companies’ business. ACEX Group Project Department carried out a great amount of projects for the largest companies in a variety of areas: transportation of oil and gas equipment, aircraft and helicopter engineering, construction, industrial, medical and many other industries. We can see the details and examples of real projects in this presentation.

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Baltic countries Presentation

ACEX Group has its representative offices in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The specialists of our Baltic office are ready to render all types of transport services: air, sea, rail freight, project cargo transportation and terminal handling services. This presentation describes our opportunities and suggestions.

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Finland office Presentation

The presentation describes ACEX Group opportunities at ports and airports in Finland, the advantages of partnership with us in the branch of customs clearance as well as road freight.

Download presentation in PowerPoint format: PPT.

Ukraine Office Presentation

The specialists of Kiev office have long experience in transport logistics in Ukraine and know all the specifics and peculiarities of this market. The basic information on the sea freight via basic sea ports, important railway junctions and the main Ukrainian roads can be downloaded in this presentation.

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